Efficient Inventory Management
Efficient Stock Management
Accurate stock management is at the heart of any retail business. It is what drives the core of your business. Our solution allows you to keep tight control over your stock sales, purchases and movements.
Differentiate your stock by item type, category, brand, season and supplier. With a detailed view of stock availability per item or per store, our solution provides complete transparency for stock rotation and inter-branch transfers.
The vital data about your stock levels that includes; minimum and maximum stock levels and detailed movement per branch, is easily accessible so that you can maintain full visibility to ensure your business stocks efficiently and improves your margins.
Benefits at a Glance:
Visibility of stock holding per category, style colour or size.
Stock visibility between branches.
Centralised management of pricing and promotions.
Improved stock management across all branches.
Read our blog: Three Ways to Improve Stock Control with Your Retail System.
For more details on how our retail solution can help your business, contact us today.